
New Changes to Canada’s Medical Inadmissibility Policies

The Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship recently announced long-awaited changes to its application of the medical inadmissibility provision of the…

Understanding Employment Law 03

Duty to Investigate Workplace Issues Many employers will be aware of the need to investigate allegations of workplace human rights…

Understanding Employment Law 02

Wrongful Dismissal A fundamental proposition of employment law, as discussed in the most recent post, is to provide fair notice…

Understanding Employment Law

Employment law principles start with a deceptively simple concept: in every employment agreement, there is an implied term that the…

Ontario Court: Terminated Employee Entitled to Bonus Deferrals

The Court of Appeal recently found that a terminated employee was entitled to deferred portions of his bonus, that would…

Tribunal: Costco Employee Dismissed for Cause After Swearing at Customer

Sunt consequuntur sit cumque nam doloribus voluptatem dignissimos veniam reprehenderit ut ab iure assumenda voluptatem sit dolorem iure sequi dolor…

Addressing Workplace Harassment on Parliament Hill

Eaque blanditiis autem natus praesentium sit facere qui vel quidem et autem illum ut voluptate sit quasi praesentium voluptas voluptatibus…

Legal practitioners should take their own advice and seek legal representation for employment matters

Most lawyers would be quick to warn a self-represented litigant of the dangers associated with representing themselves in court, especially…

Improved Workplace Harassment and Violence Framework for Federal Employees

With all the allegations of sexual harassment in Hollywood coming to light this past month, the timing of Bill C-65…