(416) 214-5111

Toronto Employment and Immigration Lawyers Advising Employers on Immigration Planning and Securing Global Talent to Support Growth

At Sultan Lawyers in Toronto, our team of highly knowledgeable workplace immigration lawyers regularly provide legal guidance and assistance to employers seeking to bring temporary foreign workers to Canada. We assist multi-national companies with immigration planning and strategies for temporary foreign workers to obtain work authorization in Canada. Further, we help employers ensure compliance with all requirements set by the government, including Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada as well as Employment and Social Development Canada.

What is Immigration Planning?

At Sultan Lawyers, we view Immigration planning from a short-term perspective in relation to aspects such as Labour Market Impact Assessments and obtaining work permits in Canada, while considering long-term goals such as obtaining permanent residency in Canada.

We offer employers various strategies with respect to bringing foreign employees of multi-national companies to Canada, and we also set out a road map to permanent residency for temporary foreign workers that wish to obtain permanent residency in Canada. On permanent residency, we offer a comprehensive assessment for temporary foreign workers so that they have a comprehensive understanding of what programs they may qualify for and when they may be in the best position to make an application for permanent residency.

What does it mean to secure global skills to support growth?

We help with designing roadmaps for securing work authorization in Canada for temporary foreign workers. We assist employers with Labour Market Impact Assessment (“LMIA”) as well as work permits that are LMIA-exempt.

Specifically, we are aware that employers want to attract top talent to work for their company. Accordingly, we provide advisory services aimed at explaining the process and ensuring any related paperwork is completed and submitted in an accurate and timely manner.

When employers of a multi-national company bring a temporary foreign worker to Canada, this often results in growth of the business and further job opportunities for Canadians and permanent residents.  We assist employers to properly articulate these advantages to ensure that they have consistent access to foreign workers as needed. Additionally, strong relationships with government agencies involved in the authorization of foreign workers is critical, and we have the experience and knowledge necessary to maximize the chance of success in this regard.

Contact Sultan Lawyers for Advice for Employers on Immigration Planning & Securing Global Skills to Support Business Growth in Canada

The Toronto workplace immigration lawyers at Sultan Lawyers regularly advise international and multi-national employers on immigration planning to secure global skills to support the growth of their businesses in Canada. We can help you plan proactively through offering viable (and often multiple) strategies in relation to immigration planning, provide comprehensive support through the application process, and work with you through risk assessment and strategy implementation. Further, we offer flat rate consultations, specifically designed to provide our clients with a roadmap for driving immigration strategies in an effective manner. Contact us online or at 416-214-5111 to book a consultation.

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Client Testimonials

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