Toronto Workplace Immigration Lawyers Advising Employers on Short-Term Business Entry into Canada
At Sultan Lawyers, located in downtown Toronto, our knowledgeable team of workplace immigration lawyers regularly advises both Canadian and global employers with a Canadian presence on a wide range of matters related to short-term entries to Canada. We provide strategic advice to ensure that companies and their employees engage in international business activities without directly entering the Canadian labour market, as well as ensuring compliance with all requirements of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (“IRCC”).
Business Visitors
A business visitor is a foreign national who comes to Canada to perform international business activities without directly entering the Canadian labour market. This may include a foreign national who comes to Canada to attend meetings, conferences or training seminars, conduct research (including market research), or attend at specific sites.
Admission under the business visitor category authorizes foreign nationals to enter Canada to carry out specific international business activities without the need for a work permit. Given that the foreign national must not enter the Canadian labour market, the activity must be international in scope, and the foreign national must not only be renumerated outside of Canada, but the foreign national’s employer must carry out business and accrue profits outside of Canada.
After-Sales Service Providers
After-sales service providers are foreign nationals seeking to enter Canada to repair, service, set up, test or supervise work on specialized commercial or industrial equipment purchased or leased outside Canada, pursuant to an after-sales or lease services agreement. Eligible individuals are classified as “business visitors” and are permitted to enter Canada to carry out work without the need for a work permit. IRCC must be convinced that the criteria needed to meet this narrow category are met and, therefore, careful planning and implementation can help substantially in ensuring a successful entry.
Sultan Lawyers: Advising Canadian and International Employers on Short-Term Entries to Canada
At Sultan Lawyers, we regularly provide fast and effective assistance to both Canadian and international companies to ensure they have the personnel needed to both support their business growth as well as prevent business disruption. Our employment lawyers Toronto provide high-level guidance with respect to short-term entries to Canada, assisting companies and foreign nationals in determining whether a work permit is required, and if not, what requirements must be complied with. Contact us online or at (416) 214-5111 for a consultation.
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