
The Ban on Non-Competition Agreements: How to Continue to Protect Your Business

In our recent blog, we wrote about Ontario’s Bill 27, the Working for Workers Act, 2021, which proposed new changes…

What is “Unjust Dismissal”?

While the terms wrongful and unjust dismissal are often used interchangeably, unjust dismissal strictly applies to employees who are employed…

Four key highlights of Bill 27, the Working for Workers Act

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic’s profound impact on the workplace, the Ontario government introduced the Working for Workers Act,…

Avoiding Discrimination During the Hiring Process

The recruitment process is generally responsible for more incidents of discrimination than any other area of employment. In general, employers…


According to the Ontario Health and Safety Act ("OHSA"), employers have a duty to maintain a healthy and safe workplace…


Following the termination of your employment, you may wonder if the termination package offered to you is sufficient or if…

I Want to Hire a Temporary Foreign Worker Via a Labour Market Impact Assessment (“LMIA”): What Do I Need to Know?

Canadian employers facing a labour or skills shortage may be permitted to hire a temporary foreign worker to fill the…

Understanding Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace

Employees in Ontario have the right to be free from bullying and harassment in the workplace as prescribed under Ontario's…

Why Age Matters in Wrongful Dismissal

Employees across Canada are generally entitled to financial protection if they have been dismissed from their employment on a without-cause…