(416) 214-5111

I Didn’t Do Anything Wrong, Did My Employer Have the Right to Terminate my Employment?

Employees often wonder whether their employer had the right to terminate their employment for no specific reason. Unless an employment contract or a valid company policy which forms part of…

Is Your Employer Giving You Enough Time Off for the Holidays?

The holiday season is upon us. Many people use this time to take a break from work, to travel and to visit with friends and family. If you are an…

Can an Employer Use Your Genetic Material Against You?

Modern testing techniques mean that it is possible for individuals to access highly intimate data about not just their current medical condition but their underlying genetic condition.  This has raised…

Can employees get compensation when a job offer is revoked?

A recent case from the British Columbia Supreme Court is a useful reminder that employers can be responsible for compensation to a person who has their job offer pulled. The…

Can an Employer Force an Employee to visit a Doctor of their Choice?

The Ontario Court of Appeal has refused to overturn a decision of the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal which stated that employers can force employees to agree to an independent medical…

2017 – The Year of the Employee in Canada

The year 2017 is turning into a remarkable year for labour and employment laws.  This is because governments across the country are making significant changes to employment and labour legislation…

If my company does not consider me an employee does that mean I am entitled to nothing if they let me go?

No it’s not that simple.  A company may believe that you are not entitled to severance but it’s very possible they are wrong. A useful decision on who is entitled…

Labour Day – It all Started in Canada

Labour Day has an important and long history in Canada and North America. The holiday can be traced to 1872 and the Toronto Typographical Union that went on strike to…

Employees on Disability Leave Must Receive Pay in Lieu of Notice

Employees on Disability Leave Must Receive Pay in Lieu of Notice when Employment is Terminated In McLeod v 1274458 Ontario Inc., the Ontario Superior court confirmed the principle that working…