(416) 214-5111

How Do I Report Unsafe Working Conditions?

Workplace safety is a fundamental right for all employees. Understanding how to identify and report unsafe working conditions is imperative for maintaining a healthy and secure work environment. This blog…

Religious Discrimination in Employment Law

Religious discrimination in the workplace is a significant concern that affects employees’ rights and employers’ responsibilities. In Canada, laws are in place to protect individuals from discrimination based on their…

Understanding Mental Harassment in the Workplace

In Ontario, workplace harassment includes any unwelcome behaviours, remarks, or gestures that cause an individual to feel frightened or threatened, as defined by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and…

What if I Get Pregnant While on Maternity Leave? Knowing Your Rights to Parental Leave in Ontario

Knowing your rights when you are getting ready for parental leave or maternity leave in Ontario is something important to do in advance to reduce your level of stress and…

Navigating Employment After an Injury

Injuries may occur at any point in your life, and depending on the severity, it may be challenging to navigate employment after sustaining the injury. It is essential to report…

Am I Entitled to Accommodation Based on my Family Care Obligations?

The COVID-19 pandemic has blurred the lines between work and family more than ever before, making accommodation on the grounds of family status particularly relevant. For example, if you require…

Employment Rights When Bullied or Harassed at Work

Every individual deserves to work in a safe environment free from bullying and harassment. However, despite regulations and policies in place, instances of workplace mistreatment still occur. When faced with…

Legal Aspects of Employee Privacy in Ontario

Employee privacy in Ontario has evolved significantly in the digital age, with advancements in technology allowing employers to monitor employees more closely. While workplace surveillance can serve legitimate purposes, such…

Accommodating Disabilities at Work: Ontario’s Duty to Accommodate

Accommodating disabilities at work is a crucial aspect of employment law, and it is based on the concept of the “duty to accommodate.” This blog discusses an employer’s duty to…