(416) 214-5111

What is the Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act, 2009?

Ontario’s Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act, 2009 (the “EPFNA”) provides key rights and obligations for recruiters, employers, and foreign workers. Specifically, the EPFNA applies to foreign nationals who work…

Am I required to complete a medical exam to obtain a work permit in Canada?

The answer depends on the following factors: Whether you wish to work in a sector where the protection of public health is a priority, including professions in healthcare, childcare, or…

Can I apply for a work permit at the port of entry?

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the travel restrictions the Government of Canada has put in place in response, including the closure of the Canadian border, most foreign nationals…

What types of activities are considered “work”?

Work may be any activity that you are either: Paid to do; or You are not paid, but it is a job you would either: Normally be paid for; or…

Am I required to report the termination of a temporary foreign worker?

The answer depends on the type of application that was made and the work permit that was issued. Specifically, terminations must be reported if a foreign worker is issued a…

As a terminated foreign worker; do I have to leave Canada immediately?

Generally, no. When a foreign worker has their employment terminated, they are generally entitled to remain in Canada until the expiry of their work permit. The termination does not invalidate…

Can I work in Canada with a Visitor Visa?

Generally, no. Foreign nationals who entered Canada with a visitor visa are generally not permitted to work in Canada. To work in Canada, foreign nationals are generally required to obtain…

What is considered “low-skilled” work in Canada?

Low-skilled or semi-skilled work generally includes work in the trades, primary and manufacturing industries, sales and services, as well as specific clerical and assistant roles. Employment and Social Development Canada…

What is considered “skilled work” in Canada?

Skilled work is any work that requires special skills, training, qualifications and experience in a certain field or trade. More specifically, Employment and Social Development Canada (“ESDC”) has categorized skilled…